
- 【正版无广】Industry Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment(2011 Amended Edition)(Articles Relating to Radio,Film and Television)
- 外商投资产业指导目录(2011年修订)(广播影视部分)
- Rules for the Administration of Internet News Information Services
- 互联网新闻信息服务管理规定
- Regulations on Protection of the Right of Communication through Information Network
- 信息网络传播权保护条例
上架时间:2021-09-10 14:41:44
- 【正版无广】Industry Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment(2011 Amended Edition)(Articles Relating to Radio,Film and Television) 更新时间:2021-09-10 14:48:19
- 外商投资产业指导目录(2011年修订)(广播影视部分)
- Rules for the Administration of Internet News Information Services
- 互联网新闻信息服务管理规定
- Regulations on Protection of the Right of Communication through Information Network
- 信息网络传播权保护条例
- Measures for Administration of Internet Content Provision Service
- 互联网信息服务管理办法
- Regulations on Copyright Collective Administration
- 著作权集体管理条例
- Regulations for the Implementation of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China
- 中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例
- Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China
- 中华人民共和国著作权法
- Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China (Articles Relating to Radio,Film and Television)
- 中华人民共和国刑法(广播影视部分)
- Constitution of the People's Republic of China (Articles Relating to Radio,Film and Television)
- 中华人民共和国宪法(广播影视部分)
- Part Ⅳ Laws,Administrative Regulations and Departmental Rules regarding Radio,Film and Television
- 第四部分 与广播影视相关的法律、行政法规、部门规章
- Interim Provisions on the Administration of Cable Radio and Television Operation Services
- 有线广播电视运营服务管理暂行规定
- Supplementary Provisions for the Measures on the Administration of Radio and Television Advertisement Broadcasts
- 《广播电视广告播出管理办法》的补充规定
- Rules for the Administration of Film Art Archives
- 电影艺术档案管理规定
- Rules for the Administration of the Content of Television Dramas
- 电视剧内容管理规定
- Regulations for the Administration of Safe Radio and Television Broadcasts
- 广播电视安全播出管理规定
- Measures on the Administration of Radio and Television Advertisement Broadcasts
- 广播电视广告播出管理办法
- Provisional Measures for Services Relating to the Installation of Ground-Based Reception Equipment for Satellite Television Broadcasts
- 卫星电视广播地面接收设施安装服务暂行办法
- Supplementary Rules II to the Rules for the Administration of Sino-Foreign Co-Productions of Television Dramas
- 《中外合作制作电视剧管理规定》的补充规定
- Rules for the Administration of Internet Audiovisual Program Services
- 互联网视听节目服务管理规定
- Supplementary Rules I to the Rules for the Administration of Sino-Foreign Co-Productions of Television Dramas
- 《中外合作制作电视剧管理规定》的补充规定
- Rules for the Filing of Screenplays(Synopses)and Administration of Films
- 电影剧本(梗概)备案、电影片管理规定
- Further Supplementary Rules to the Provisional Rules for Foreign Investment in Cinemas
- 《外商投资电影院暂行规定》补充规定二
- Supplementary Rules to the Provisional Rules on the Entry Criteria for Operating Film Enterprises
- 《电影企业经营资格准入暂行规定》的补充规定
- Supplementary Rules to the Provisional Rules for Foreign Investment in Cinemas
- 《外商投资电影院暂行规定》的补充规定
- Measures for the Administration ofWireless Radio and Television Transmission Networks
- 广播电视无线传输覆盖网管理办法
- Provisional Rules on the Entry Criteria for Operating Film Enterprises
- 电影企业经营资格准入暂行规定
- Rules for the Administration of the Import and Broadcasting of Foreign Television Programs
- 境外电视节目引进、播出管理规定
- Rules for the Administration of Sino-Foreign Co-Productions of Television Dramas
- 中外合作制作电视剧管理规定
- Measures for the Administration of the Transmission of Audiovisual Programs over the Internet and Other Information Networks
- 互联网等信息网络传播视听节目管理办法
- Administrative Rules for Radio,Film and Television Festivals(Exhibitions)and Program Exchanges
- 广播影视节(展)及节目交流活动管理规定
- Measures for the Administration of the Examination and Approval of Radio and Television Stations
- 广播电台电视台审批管理办法
- Provisional Measures for the Administration of Urban Community Cable Television Systems
- 城市社区有线电视系统管理暂行办法
- Measures on the Administration of Television Video-on-Demand Services
- 广播电视视频点播业务管理办法
- Administrative Measures for the Production and Operation of Radio and Television Programs
- 广播电视节目制作经营管理规定
- Measures for the Administration of Radio and Television Program Transmission Services
- 广播电视节目传送业务管理办法
- Rules for the Administration of Sino-Foreign Film Co-Production
- 中外合作摄制电影片管理规定
- Administrative Measures on the Examination and Approval of the Import and Export of Films for Development and Post-Production
- 电影片进出境洗印、后期制作审批管理办法
- Administrative Rules for the Establishment of Radio and Television Administrative Offices by Overseas Entities in China
- 境外机构设立驻华广播电视办事机构管理规定
- Measures for the Administration of Network Entry Certification of Radio and Television Facilities and Equipment
- 广播电视设备器材入网认定管理办法
- Provisional Measures for the Inspection and Supervision of Administrative Licensing
- 国家广播电影电视总局行政许可实施检查监督暂行办法
- Provisions on the Legislative Procedures for Radio,Film and Television
- 广播电影电视立法程序规定
- Provisional Rules for Foreign Investment in Cinemas
- 外商投资电影院暂行规定
- Measures on the Administrative Reconsideration of Radio,Film and Television
- 广播电影电视行政复议办法
- Provisional Rules on Administrative Penalty Procedures Relating to Radio,Film and Television
- 广播电影电视行政处罚程序暂行规定
- Part Ⅲ Administrative Rules on Radio,Film and Television
- 第三部分 广播影视部门规章
- Judicial Interpretations on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Hearing Criminal Cases in Respect of the Sabotage of Radio and Television Facilities
- 最高人民法院关于审理破坏广播电视设施等刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释
- Part Ⅱ Judicial Interpretations on Radio,Film and Television
- 第二部分 广播影视司法解释
- Interim Measures for Payment of Remuneration by Radio and Television Stations for Broadcasting Sound Recordings
- 广播电台电视台播放录音制品支付报酬暂行办法
- Regulations on Administration of Films
- 电影管理条例
- Regulations on Protection of Radio and Television Facilities
- 广播电视设施保护条例
- Regulations on Radio and Television Administration
- 广播电视管理条例
- Rules for the Administration of Ground-Based Reception Equipment for Satellite Television Broadcasts
- 卫星电视广播地面接收设施管理规定
- Administrative Measures for Reception of Television Programmes Transmitted via Foreign Satellites by Ground Satellite Receiving Facilities
- 卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送电视节目管理办法
- Regulatory Measures for Imported Films
- 进口影片管理办法
- Part Ⅰ Administrative Regulations on Radio,Film and Television
- 第一部分 广播影视行政法规
- A Word from the Editor
- 编者的话
- 版权信息
- 封面
- 封面
- 版权信息
- 编者的话
- A Word from the Editor
- 第一部分 广播影视行政法规
- Part Ⅰ Administrative Regulations on Radio,Film and Television
- 进口影片管理办法
- Regulatory Measures for Imported Films
- 卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送电视节目管理办法
- Administrative Measures for Reception of Television Programmes Transmitted via Foreign Satellites by Ground Satellite Receiving Facilities
- 卫星电视广播地面接收设施管理规定
- Rules for the Administration of Ground-Based Reception Equipment for Satellite Television Broadcasts
- 广播电视管理条例
- Regulations on Radio and Television Administration
- 广播电视设施保护条例
- Regulations on Protection of Radio and Television Facilities
- 电影管理条例
- Regulations on Administration of Films
- 广播电台电视台播放录音制品支付报酬暂行办法
- Interim Measures for Payment of Remuneration by Radio and Television Stations for Broadcasting Sound Recordings
- 第二部分 广播影视司法解释
- Part Ⅱ Judicial Interpretations on Radio,Film and Television
- 最高人民法院关于审理破坏广播电视设施等刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释
- Judicial Interpretations on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Hearing Criminal Cases in Respect of the Sabotage of Radio and Television Facilities
- 第三部分 广播影视部门规章
- Part Ⅲ Administrative Rules on Radio,Film and Television
- 广播电影电视行政处罚程序暂行规定
- Provisional Rules on Administrative Penalty Procedures Relating to Radio,Film and Television
- 广播电影电视行政复议办法
- Measures on the Administrative Reconsideration of Radio,Film and Television
- 外商投资电影院暂行规定
- Provisional Rules for Foreign Investment in Cinemas
- 广播电影电视立法程序规定
- Provisions on the Legislative Procedures for Radio,Film and Television
- 国家广播电影电视总局行政许可实施检查监督暂行办法
- Provisional Measures for the Inspection and Supervision of Administrative Licensing
- 广播电视设备器材入网认定管理办法
- Measures for the Administration of Network Entry Certification of Radio and Television Facilities and Equipment
- 境外机构设立驻华广播电视办事机构管理规定
- Administrative Rules for the Establishment of Radio and Television Administrative Offices by Overseas Entities in China
- 电影片进出境洗印、后期制作审批管理办法
- Administrative Measures on the Examination and Approval of the Import and Export of Films for Development and Post-Production
- 中外合作摄制电影片管理规定
- Rules for the Administration of Sino-Foreign Film Co-Production
- 广播电视节目传送业务管理办法
- Measures for the Administration of Radio and Television Program Transmission Services
- 广播电视节目制作经营管理规定
- Administrative Measures for the Production and Operation of Radio and Television Programs
- 广播电视视频点播业务管理办法
- Measures on the Administration of Television Video-on-Demand Services
- 城市社区有线电视系统管理暂行办法
- Provisional Measures for the Administration of Urban Community Cable Television Systems
- 广播电台电视台审批管理办法
- Measures for the Administration of the Examination and Approval of Radio and Television Stations
- 广播影视节(展)及节目交流活动管理规定
- Administrative Rules for Radio,Film and Television Festivals(Exhibitions)and Program Exchanges
- 互联网等信息网络传播视听节目管理办法
- Measures for the Administration of the Transmission of Audiovisual Programs over the Internet and Other Information Networks
- 中外合作制作电视剧管理规定
- Rules for the Administration of Sino-Foreign Co-Productions of Television Dramas
- 境外电视节目引进、播出管理规定
- Rules for the Administration of the Import and Broadcasting of Foreign Television Programs
- 电影企业经营资格准入暂行规定
- Provisional Rules on the Entry Criteria for Operating Film Enterprises
- 广播电视无线传输覆盖网管理办法
- Measures for the Administration ofWireless Radio and Television Transmission Networks
- 《外商投资电影院暂行规定》的补充规定
- Supplementary Rules to the Provisional Rules for Foreign Investment in Cinemas
- 《电影企业经营资格准入暂行规定》的补充规定
- Supplementary Rules to the Provisional Rules on the Entry Criteria for Operating Film Enterprises
- 《外商投资电影院暂行规定》补充规定二
- Further Supplementary Rules to the Provisional Rules for Foreign Investment in Cinemas
- 电影剧本(梗概)备案、电影片管理规定
- Rules for the Filing of Screenplays(Synopses)and Administration of Films
- 《中外合作制作电视剧管理规定》的补充规定
- Supplementary Rules I to the Rules for the Administration of Sino-Foreign Co-Productions of Television Dramas
- 互联网视听节目服务管理规定
- Rules for the Administration of Internet Audiovisual Program Services
- 《中外合作制作电视剧管理规定》的补充规定
- Supplementary Rules II to the Rules for the Administration of Sino-Foreign Co-Productions of Television Dramas
- 卫星电视广播地面接收设施安装服务暂行办法
- Provisional Measures for Services Relating to the Installation of Ground-Based Reception Equipment for Satellite Television Broadcasts
- 广播电视广告播出管理办法
- Measures on the Administration of Radio and Television Advertisement Broadcasts
- 广播电视安全播出管理规定
- Regulations for the Administration of Safe Radio and Television Broadcasts
- 电视剧内容管理规定
- Rules for the Administration of the Content of Television Dramas
- 电影艺术档案管理规定
- Rules for the Administration of Film Art Archives
- 《广播电视广告播出管理办法》的补充规定
- Supplementary Provisions for the Measures on the Administration of Radio and Television Advertisement Broadcasts
- 有线广播电视运营服务管理暂行规定
- Interim Provisions on the Administration of Cable Radio and Television Operation Services
- 第四部分 与广播影视相关的法律、行政法规、部门规章
- Part Ⅳ Laws,Administrative Regulations and Departmental Rules regarding Radio,Film and Television
- 中华人民共和国宪法(广播影视部分)
- Constitution of the People's Republic of China (Articles Relating to Radio,Film and Television)
- 中华人民共和国刑法(广播影视部分)
- Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China (Articles Relating to Radio,Film and Television)
- 中华人民共和国著作权法
- Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China
- 中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例
- Regulations for the Implementation of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China
- 著作权集体管理条例
- Regulations on Copyright Collective Administration
- 互联网信息服务管理办法
- Measures for Administration of Internet Content Provision Service
- 信息网络传播权保护条例
- Regulations on Protection of the Right of Communication through Information Network
- 互联网新闻信息服务管理规定
- Rules for the Administration of Internet News Information Services
- 外商投资产业指导目录(2011年修订)(广播影视部分)
- 【正版无广】Industry Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment(2011 Amended Edition)(Articles Relating to Radio,Film and Television) 更新时间:2021-09-10 14:48:19